Take Action NOW: Vote for OHCFR Bylaws Revision


Vote by midnight on September 30th to make sure your voice is heard. 

In keeping with NCFR’s recommendation that affiliates review their Bylaws periodically, OHCFR board members Audrey Kraynak (past president) and Maureen Blankemeyer (secretary-treasurer) have diligently worked to update OHCFR’s Bylaws, which were last revised in December 2012.  OHCFR Advisory Board members reviewed and discussed the proposed changes to OHCFR’s Bylaws at the July Advisory Board meeting. The changes are being proposed so that OHCFR’s Bylaws more closely follow the model for NCFR affiliates’ Bylaws.
Any revisions to the Bylaws must be approved by at least two-thirds of the membership of OHCFR.  Please vote at the following link: http://go.osu.edu/ohcfr_bylaws2016.
Thank you for your continued participation in OHCFR! We look forward to seeing you at OHCFR or NCFR events in the coming year.

National Council on Family Relations
The Ohio Council on Family Relations is an affiliate of the National Council on Family Relations