Proposed Bylaw Revisions

If you missed it on the OHCFR discussion board, please see below  –

At the December OHCFR advisory board meeting, two revisions were proposed to the bylaws.  The bylaws with proposed revisions are included for review for the next 30 days. As per OHCFR bylaws, we are providing revisions 30 days prior to a vote on them. The revisions (additions) are highlighted in yellow in THIS copy of the OHCFR Bylaws.  They are also summarized below.


Article VI, Section 1: add section D to the president-elect shall also…

D.  have been a member of the OHCFR Advisory Board for at least one year prior to nomination and election to the office of president-elect.

Article VI adds Section 7 points A-D.

Section 7: The position of media coordinator shall be an appointed position. The media                coordinator shall

A.  serve as a contributing member of the OHCFR Advisory Board

B.  attend the Advisory Board meetings

C.  oversee the posting and updating of information on OHCFR media sites

D.  work with members of appropriate ad hoc committee(s) to meet the needs of OHCFR


You will receive a ballot electronically to vote on these revisions on or around February 15, 2019. The revisions will go into effect if 2/3 of the voting members indicate their approval within the two week voting period.

If you have questions, contact Audrey Kraynak, OHCFR President, at [email protected]. Be sure to put OHCFR in the subject heading.

Please share your thoughts or comments about the proposed revisions.


Audrey Kraynak

OHCFR President 2019-2020

National Council on Family Relations
The Ohio Council on Family Relations is an affiliate of the National Council on Family Relations