Depression: A Family Matter

Families often recognize depressive symptoms better than clients who have depression themselves. Thus, families are important forces of care, comfort, and coping! This presentation aims to explore depression of a family member within the family system, signs and symptoms, and ways of support. Resources and information will be made available on how to assist families when they have a loved one who has a depression diagnosis.

Participants will 
(1) learn to recognize signs and symptoms of depression 
(2) learn pragmatic ways to support family members with depression
(3) explore the impact of depression on the entire family

Watch the webinar here

View the slides and take notes here

presenters: Rachel P. Jacoby, LPCC, NCC, CFLE, CTP
Clark Ausloos, LPC, LPSC, NCC

National Council on Family Relations
The Ohio Council on Family Relations is an affiliate of the National Council on Family Relations